Our Future. Our Ideas.

From tree-planting robots to mind-reading helmets, children’s imaginations are limitless! But where do they get their inspiration? In a word: curiosity! So to find new and surprising solutions to global challenges we asked our colleagues’ children to think of ideas for a more sustainable future. The response was amazing, with over 220 submissions! Today, we proudly present the 10 most innovative ideas – together with commentary from Nature Plants Chief Editor, Chris Surridge…

"Children’s minds take paths us adults would never think of. Following these creative journeys, to see where they might take us, is both exciting and inspiring!”

Chris Surridge

Chief Editor at Nature Plants

Meet the Winners!

Our first three winners collected the most votes from curious voters from across the globe for their amazing ideas. Congratulations!
We can’t wait to congratulate you virtually at the Curious – Future Insight™ Conference.

It would be great if we could kill viruses with light! However, as Afraz mentioned, we would need to ensure that the light would not affect plants, humans, or animals. UV lights for example could be harmful in high doses. The illustration is good and I like the Life Rays branding. I expect to see the first T-shirts with the LifeRays logos on them, being worn by the end of the year.

Another beautifully and evocatively drawn piece. It is not too far from reality either as we already have most of the technologies needed to make such robots. In fact, robots are used a lot in modern agriculture. The robot looks very content sitting with its charges, and having them fully recyclable is a great idea.

A beautiful illustration of the idea. I love the pollution whale, it has more functions than a Swiss Army Knife. I particularly like the flexible arm with the hammer. This is a very sophisticated illustration, possibly the best draftsmanship of the group.

Meet the Runners-Up!

Congratulations and a huge Thank You to our top 10 – whose innovative ideas also impressed many of our online voters. Check out their fantastic ideas here…

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