Ultimate quality...
...even with extremely thin films!
For various types of optical coatings, evaporating thin film materials has been the production method of choice for many years now. Such coatings are needed e.g. in AR, for mirrors, or filters. Specifications can be extremely demanding, with tight spectral tolerances, low defect densities, and high durability requirements.
To keep production processes stable and deliver high throughputs of the required quality and consistency, evaporation materials play a crucial role. Our evaporation materials are produced to fulfill all key requirements.
Solutions that pave the way...
...for optimal optical thin films!
We offer evaporation materials that were carefully designed and developed to meet the strictest of requirements in optical thin film production.
Our Patinal® range comprises more than 40 evaporation materials, from fluorides to oxides, sulfides, and metals. Our suboxides are ideal for shorter melt preparation and special oxide mixtures are needed to fine-tune film stress and achieve the required deposits on plastic substrates. We also offer high-density oxide mixtures to help reduce processing times. Our products span the entire range of optical transparency from deep UV to far IR, making them ideal for use in a variety of specialist fields.
If it’s a high-quality optical coating you need to produce, we have the materials to help you:
- General optics (cameras, binoculars, microscopes, …)
- UV optics
- IR optics
- Ophthalmic
- Sensing
- Automotive & machine vision
- Other applications

What lies beyond the colors of a rainbow?
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