Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality

We develop specialized optical materials and components, collaborating with AR/VR leaders to create lenses and waveguides for next-generation AR/VR devices.

We guide light, making digital living more vivid, accessible and real.

What is Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR)?

AR & VR technologies are rapidly transitioning from experimental phases to mainstream applications, significantly impacting both consumer and enterprise sectors.

These immersive technologies are redefining how we interact with digital content, offering novel experiences that blend the physical and virtual worlds.  

Optical Waveguides and Combiners

We are enabling new technologies for optical components

Pancake Lenses

Pancake Lenses

Fresnel Lenses

Fresnel Lenses

Our Reactive Mesogen materials are enhancing advanced optical performance systems for VR headsets through pancake lenses.

The pancake lens is a crucial component in advanced optical systems for VR headsets. Pancake lens technology provides several advantages over traditional Fresnel lenses, including reduced thickness and enhanced optical performance. Our innovative materials contribute to improved light management and image clarity, making them ideal for applications requiring compact and efficient optical solutions.

Future Outlook

Advancements in hardware—such as improved sensors and processors—and software innovations powered by artificial intelligence are facilitating more natural and intuitive user interactions. This convergence is enabling applications that were once the realm of science fiction.

Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality

Commercial Application
Consumer Application
When augmented reality (AR) devices are combined with powerful artificial intelligence and innovative input devices, they have the potential to emerge as a groundbreaking computing platform that could either complement or even replace the smartphone. The synergy between AR and advanced AI allows for real-time data processing and personalized user experiences, enabling applications that can seamlessly blend digital content with the physical environment.