Full of effects

The Color Compendium for effect pigments is a reference work for printers showing more than 35,000 color and luster effects using 22 different pigments. The Color Compendium presents effect colors in four variations: Iriodin®, Colorstream®, and Biflair® each on top of and underneath chromatic colors (CMYK). Miraval®  is shown on top of CMYK only. All variations are shown partially with and without UV lacquer. Additionally you can compare the effects with CMYK with and without UV lacquer.

Benefits at a glance:

  • Visualize interesting color-effect combinations
  • Save time and money. Look up whether a pigment corresponds with particular colors and is suitable for the planned refinement.
  • Clearly communicate color effects to designers, printers, and manufacturers

Effectful combinations

Determine color tones with our portfolio of effect pigments and see how effect pigments could look with offset precoating or postcoating in combination with a particular 4c color tone. Additional finishing options are demonstrated with a transparent high-gloss UV lacquer.

One set of effect pigments on twelve sheets (23 x 23 cm) was printed in a single work step in sheet format 70 x 100 cm. Since the effect pigments are semi-transparent, the effects differ depending on whether the pigments are used as a precoat or postcoat.

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