What is injection molding?

In injection molding, a plasticized polymer mass is injected into a tool. When cooled, the polymer solidifies to form a molded part. It is usually colored completely using a masterbatch or compound.

Tips for using effect pigments in injection molding

Avoiding flow lines

In injection molding, flow processes in the molten mass set the orientation of pigment platelets. Thanks to well-engineered tool construction, the effect pigments can orient perfectly and show nearly no flow linesor welding effects. Another factor for optimizing the effect appearance is the position of the injection gate. Circular, centralized, and edge-minimized forms are perfectly suited for effect pigments. In cases where these forms are not possible, we recommend using our Miraval® effect pigment series in a low concentration. It features a strong sparkling effect and decreases the optical perception of irregularities.

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Do you want to know more about using our effect pigments in injection molding or do you need assistance in optimal tool design?