Colorstream® Lava Red

Discover our formulation with Colorstream® Lava Red!

Colorstream® Lava Red

The volcanic red of Colorstream® Lava Red shows an uncompromisingly dynamic color variety in continuous harmony. Its multitude of interweaving nuances and fascinating color gradations are like the energetic beauty of flowing Lava.

Colorstream® F10-51 Lava Red
Experience amultitude of interweaving nuances and fascinating color gradations


Jar: Transparent PETG  

Polymer: Luminy-I105

Pigment. 0.5% of Colorstream® F10-51 Lava Red


Polymer: Borealis RJ901MO

Pigment: 0.5% of Colorstream® F10-51 Lava Red

0.05% Carbon Black


Cover plate: 

Made in IM3D technology

Polymer ROTEC MABS 3001 TR-AC

Pigment: 1% Colorstream® F10-51 Lava Red

0.05% Pigment Red 254