The Future Transformation

Kai Beckmann

CEO Electronics

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From smart phones to solar cells and microchips – with innovative products and solutions from our business sector Electronics we advance the development of a wide range of technologies. To find out how our innovations will change the lives of people for the better in the future and make the world smarter and more sustainable, check out this blog section.


Our economy is undergoing sweeping changes as a result of digitalization – and so our jobs do. The working world of the future is connected, flexible and, above all, digital. Dealing with technologies like robots, artificial intelligence, and big data will be a natural part of many jobs in the future. In this blog section, read about how fundamentally technology will change the way people work, and what opportunities and challenges the future world of work holds.


Social partnership in Germany is very important to me. As President of the German Employers’ Federation of the Chemical Industry (BAVC), I work closely with the unions to further develop the working conditions in our industry. We seek and find solutions to the challenges of the future – from digital transformation to demographic change. Read more in this section.
