Comfortable Protection from Bugs and Bites

Our insect repellent ingredient IR3535® provides proven, long-lasting protection against pests, while being gentle to humans, pets, and nature.

Gentle, versatile and effective protection

As a non-sticky, non-itching, and pleasant-smelling repellent, the IR3535® ingredient guards against mosquitos, ticks, head lice, flies, and other insects. Our repellent ingredient is not only gentle to the skin, but also to the environment: it’s non-toxic to aquatic organisms, such as fish or algae, and does not accumulate in the environment. The ingredient IR3535® is safe to use over longer periods, giving the wearer long-term protection as well as peace of mind.

Our insect repellent ingredient is:

  • Ideal for all ages
  • Safe for people and pets
  • Easy on the environment
  • Comfortable to wear
  • Effective and long-lasting

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