R&D holds 2nd place in the Access to Medicine Index 2018
Publish Date
04 DEC 2018
A remarkable 2nd place in the Access to Medicine Index 2018 has been awarded the R&D area. The company has been recognized for its innovative practices such as establishing the Global Health Institute.
Like in 2016, our company was ranked no. 2 for R&D in the Access to Medicine (ATM) Index 2018, and no. 4 in the overall ranking amongst the top 20 pharma companies. This outcome has been triggered by our outstanding results in the main R&D performance indicators: product development, planning for access, clinical trial conduct and innovation.
The ATM Index evaluates companies through 7 different areas, with R&D being one of these areas which contributes 20% of the overall score. The assessment considers four strategic pillars: commitment, transparency, performance and innovation.
The results indicate that most priority R&D projects (63%) are being conducted by five companies, including Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. Our company also stands out for having innovative practices and is among the top performers in: having detailed and concrete commitments to R&D for diseases and countries in scope; planning for access during development; pipeline size. In particular, the ATM Foundation has recognized the fact that a large proportion of the pipeline aims to address R&D priorities for health globally. In addition, our company has been complimented for its innovative practices with a special spotlight on the establishment of the Global Health Institute to accelerate relevant R&D, incorporate access provisions and build capacity for projects and initiatives targeting schistosomiasis, malaria and bacterial infections.
“I am very proud of the excellent result from the ATM Index and of the recognition of the Global Health Institute for its innovative approach and practices to develop and deliver, through R&D partnerships, health solutions for infectious diseases to low- and middle-income countries” said Jutta Reinhard-Rupp, Head of Global Health Institute (Global Health, Corporate Affairs). “The fact that the Institute is fully incorporated into Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, whose resources and financial support contribute not only to its long-term sustainability, but also to the achievement of its goals, has rendered this initiative unique” she added.
This 2018 ATM Index result represents a fantastic accomplishment underscoring our companies Corporate Responsibility strategy, and an important recognition of the Company’s commitments and achievements to improving the health of underserved populations. It also reflects and rewards the engagements, efforts and deliverables in R&D from a global health perspective.