Grants & Awards

Beyond our R&D, it’s important to us that we support entrepreneurs, scientists and students with great ideas. We invite you to be an energetic part of our culture of innovation. Let’s pioneer together!

Check out how you can join forces with our innovators

In order to solve the world’s problems through science, which is the goal of our company, we cannot just work alone. While our research and development and other internal innovation teams are incredible, we are also always trying to stay open and be aware of new innovations around the world.

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"Often the most exciting breakthroughs are reached when people with different backgrounds join forces. We are inviting scientists from all over the world to participate in our open innovation program to make great things happen together.”

Ulrich Betz

Vice President Innovation

New horizons

At Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, creativity, initative and curiousity are at the heart of everything that we do. That's why it's important for us to recognize and support these qualities in the work of scientists, students and entrepreneurs from all over the world.

Find out more about all open innovation opportunities by browsing our programmes.

Open Innovation Offers

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Future Insight prize
Future Insight prize

On the occasion of our 350th anniversary, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany launched the Future Insight prize to stimulate innovative solutions to solve some of humanities greatest problems and to realize the dreams for a better tomorrow. 

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Research Grants
Research Grants

In celebrating our 350th anniversary, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany initiated the research grants to stimulate innovative research in challenging areas of future importance.  Several research grants of up to EUR 350,000 per year for 3 years are available in research areas varying each year. 

Curious Logo Curious Logo
Curious - Future Insight conference
Curious - Future Insight conference

Some of the world’s brightest scientists and most accomplished entrepreneurs come together to present their work and explore the future of science & technology; solving the challenges of today and enabling the dreams of a better tomorrow. 

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Innovation Cup
Innovation Cup

Join the brightest students from all over the world for a week at the company headquarters. Learn from professionals, network, develop a business plan, and win the team prize! 

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Compound challenge
Compound challenge

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany hosts the Compound Challenge, a competition to identify the best submitted synthetic route for a given small molecule.

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Open Global Health Library
Open Global Health Library

Get access to our compounds for your infectious disease research.

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Johann Anton Merck Award
Johann Anton Merck Award

Prestigious annual achievement award for outstanding scientific preclinical research accomplishments in the areas of our healthcare strategic focus

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Emanuel Merck Lectureship
Emanuel Merck Lectureship

The award was jointly established by Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and the University of Darmstadt in 1992. It recognizes globally renowned scientists who have made superb contributions to chemical and pharmaceutical research. 

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Medical Innovation Program for Human Reproduction
Medical Innovation Program for Human Reproduction

This Medical Innovation Program (MIP) supports early stage innovation in the field of Human Reproduction. The goal is to translate biomedical science into clinical applications for the benefit of patients by providing funding and support throughout the translation process.

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Heinrich Emanuel Merck Award
Heinrich Emanuel Merck Award

In memory of the company’s founder Heinrich Emanuel Merck. The biennial award is open to researchers up to the age of 45 years who are developing innovative solutions to analytical problems in life, material, environmental sciences; areas that are constantly gaining importance in our daily lives.

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Bader Award for Chemistry Innovation
Bader Award for Chemistry Innovation

Since 2005, the Alfred R. Bader Award for Student Innovation recognizes creative work done by graduate students studying synthetic organic chemistry - work that is expected to accelerate progress in this field. Building on the legacy of the Aldrich Chemical Company co-founder Alfred R. Bader.

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Global grants for medical education
Global grants for medical education

Grants to support Independent Medical Education (IME) and Continuing Medical Education (CME), Fellowships and Treatment Guidelines.

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ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry
ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry

In cooperation with the American Chemical Society, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany recognizes and encourages fundamental and prominent research in the field of inorganic chemistry with the annually presented ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry. 

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ACS Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry
ACS Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry

In cooperation with the American Chemical Society, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany recognizes and encourages inspiring and unique activities in synthetic organic chemistry with the annual ACS Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry. 

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Reearch Challenges
Reearch Challenges

Since 2018, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany are organizing a series of research competitions for technology pioneers. These competitions in areas of high innovation also open new avenues for partnering with us.