Corporate Governance
Our investors can count on us. We are constantly adapting to the changing needs and demands of the capital market. To guarantee sustainability and transparency we abide a strict set of rules and regulations.
Transparent and trustworthy
At Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, we follow the German Corporate Governance Code. Our Statement on Corporate Governance contains the Declaration of Conformity, relevant information on practices within our company, a description of the procedures of the corporate bodies as well as targets for the percentage of leading positions held by women.
Get the full picture! You can view all our reports and documents on Corporate Governance here.
For us, scientific progress and responsible entrepreneurship go hand in hand, enabling us to create a sustainable future for everyone.

Annual Reports
Read MoreAnnual Reports

Annual General Meeting
Read MoreAnnual General Meeting

Articles of Association
Read MoreArticles of Association
Our Executive Board and Supervisory Board steer and monitor the realization of our vision together with the Board of Partners. Three Committees supervise our business activities and act as reliable and experienced advisors.
Read MoreAs required by German law, we are absolutely transparent about any transactions, above a certain threshold, made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities at Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. This disclosure requirement prevents insider dealing and can provide capital market participants with valuable insights into judgments reached by “corporate insiders”.
Read MoreInvestors are required by law to inform Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, and the responsible German Authorities if certain thresholds concerning their Voting Rights are reached or crossed.
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