Events & Presentations

We organize a number of events to get in touch with our shareholders and keep them up-to-date on Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, and its businesses.

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Capital Market Days
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Capital Market Days
At our Capital Market Days, our shareholders have the opportunity to meet our management and gain insights into our success story. We inform investors about our strategy, the latest financial developments and about our plans for the future.
Darmstadt Innovation Center 800 600 Darmstadt Innovation Center 800 600
Annual General Meeting
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Annual General Meeting
Every year, our shareholders come together to make important decisions on our company’s business. We provide comprehensive material to help them make well-informed voting decisions.
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Webcasts & Presentations
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Webcasts & Presentations
There is a large number of presentations and webcasts of different events available for download. They provide helpful information about our company, our businesses and executives as well as our financial development.