• Blog Post

The Global Health Institute announced at the Bioethics Advisory Panel

Publish Date

02 JUN 2017


7th Bioethics Advisory Panel convened in Geisenheim, Germany - Patient centric guidance for the company

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, is faced with complex bioethical issues. As a global science and technology company, it is critical to identify and address international developments on bioethical issues and therefore the Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, Bioethical Advisory Panel (MBAP) provides clear guidance on bioethics.

The MBAP evolved significantly in 2017, for the first time covering all regions with eight expert members led by the Chief Medical Officer and the Head of the Global Health Institute (chair and co-chair).

This annual meeting was the opportunity to announce the Global Health Institute as the organization working on integrated health solutions for developing countries.