A Different Path to Parenthood

Publish Date

24 APR 2024


For Melanie Drechsler, Director Market Access & Pricing, Healthcare, the path to parenthood was not a typical one. She was able to find balance between work and family by arranging flexible parental leave with her manager and team.

As a working mother, you decided to come back to the company to work part-time while on parental leave. Can you talk about the importance of flexibility in the workplace and what you saw as the greatest benefits of this type of arrangement?

In Germany, it is typical for mothers to take a full year of parental leave to care for their children. However, this was not the case for me. Three months after giving birth to my son, I made the decision to return to work. I felt this was possible because my manager at that time assured me full flexibility. I worked mostly from my home office, so I was able to breastfeed the baby and work flexibly. I felt fortunate to be able to return to the workforce in the manner I chose and on my own timeline. This would have been difficult, had I not been granted flexibility. During the time that followed the birth of my son, I was able to transition from working part time to full time. Now, after a year and a half, I have transitioned back into part-time again. For me, flexibility has been the basis for balancing my work life and family. This balance is also an important contribution to my mental health.

You deviated from the norm when you decided to return to work before a full year of parental leave. How did you feel about taking a different path from typical parental leave and why did you decide to do so?

Every parent takes a different path to parenthood. It is a unique and individual experience. When my son was born, he was a very bad sleeper, he did not accept a bottle for a long time, and things looked a little different from what I had anticipated. The question arose “how are we going to be able to do this?”. For us, the flexibility of working from home helped, especially when my son was a little baby. We also leaned on family support, understanding colleagues, a wonderful team, and our ability to set priorities. It is important to talk about the challenges parents are faced with. Very often these are not openly discussed, and that is why I am sharing my story.

What is your key to success when it comes to effectively creating a flexible work environment? Do you have any tips or tricks to maximizing effectiveness?

Good planning and communication are key. When I was preparing for parental leave, I was very intentional about how I was going to spend my time. I was able to delegate tasks to colleagues and prioritize which tasks to take on myself. When being asked to attend meetings, I considered if I could request that someone from my team fill in for me, or whether it was important that I was present. To be effective, it was important that I made these decisions in advance, clearly communicated them to the stakeholders involved and stuck to them.

How have you balanced your career and development ambitions with your personal journey? Do you have advice for others who are building a family as they drive their career?

I think many parents will agree with me: a child changes a lot! Becoming a parent, you acquire completely new skills and discover new sides of yourself. These new skills are not only helpful when changing diapers or putting a baby to bed, they can also help you in your career. My advice is: follow your heart and your priorities, and be open. With that in mind, a lot is possible.

I also have found that a strong network has enabled me to find balance in my career and personal life. I have a husband who took more than 2 months parental leave. This allowed us to share responsibilities and take on parental tasks together.

What do you want people to take away from your story and how do you feel that you can empower other working mothers?

It is my wish that in the future every parent can create a work-life model that meets their own needs as a family. Flexibility on all sides is key. With my story, I want to show that there is not just one way into parenthood. There are many options that parents can take to create the best environment for their situation. I am always happy to share my own experiences. So, if you ever are curious, just ask me.



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