Thyroid Disease

Millions of people suffer from thyroid disorders [1]. Yet this disease remains widely underdiagnosed.

The silent epidemic

Thyroid disorders are some of the most widespread diseases in the world affecting an estimated 200 million people.[1] Yet it is estimated that only 50% of these are receiving treatment because thyroid disorders are often not diagnosed.[1]

The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland in the front of the neck. It produces thyroid hormones that affect growth, development and many cellular processes in the human body. The thyroid uses iodine to produce its most important hormones. Good dietary sources of iodine include seafood, bread and iodized salt. [2]

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid produces less hormone than usual. [3] With age the thyroid gland often produces less thyroid hormone than we need, and women are more affected than men.[4]

The symptoms of hypothyroidism are often subtle and easily confused with those of other conditions. Most patients complain of slow metabolism, slow heartbeat, weight gain, puffy skin, brittle hair, constipation and fatigue. [4,5,6] Once hypothyroidism has been diagnosed, treating it usually requires life-long hormone therapy. Our company is a leading producer of synthetic thyroid hormones. [8]


[1] Thyroid Foundation of Canada. About thyroid disease. Available from: Last accessed March 2017.

[2]    American Thyroid Association. Iodine Deficiency. Available from: Last access June 2017

[3] American Thyroid Association. Hypothyroidism. Available from: Last access February 2017.

[4] All Thyroid. Thyroid Problems over 50. Available from: Last access February 2017.

[5] American Thyroid Association. Hypothyroidism. Available from: Last access February 2017

[6] Thyroid UK. Signs & Symptoms of Hypothyroidism. 2013. Available from: Last access February 2017.

[7] PD Mayo Clinic. Hypethyroidism. Symptoms and causes. Available from: Last access June 2017.    

[8] American Thyroid Association. Hypothyroidism. Available from: Last access May 2017