Examples of our commitment to improving access
Working with our partners to improve access to medicine
We are committed to making a real impact on the lives of patients in low and middle-income countries. We work closely with local partners and communities to identify how we can address societal challenges, strengthen health systems, and develop innovative solutions and sustainable business models.
Examples of our local country partnerships
In the peripheral provinces of Argentina where there is a higher incidence of smoking and alcoholism, there was a lack of awareness of certain cancer types amongst patients and physicians. These factors coupled with the absence of multidisciplinary teams in the area this led to a high risk of diagnosis delay and sub optimal treatment.
In collaboration with the Argentinian Voice Society, Cancer Foundation, Clinical Oncology Argentinian Society, Argentinian League for the Fight Against Cancer and Oncology Patient Comprehensive Community Care we raised awareness through disease awareness campaigns, medical education, and the launch of the “Raising your Voice” app for patients.
Through this partnership we were able to reach more than 2 million people through communication media, resulting in an increased diagnosis of patients with 9 new diagnoses each month since March 2021.
In 2019 it was estimated that about 6% of the Vietnamese population were living with thyroid disorders. With severe insufficient iodine intake in the country which is also linked to thyroid disorders, a lack of guidelines, healthcare professionals education and patient screening protocols meant many patients were living undiagnosed.
In partnership with the Vietnamese Ministry of Health we set out to reshape policy, update guidelines to focus on high-risk patients and increase the diagnosis and early treatment rate of thyroid patients in Vietnam through educational events and disease awareness campaigns.
Through our partnership we were able to educate over 3000 healthcare professionals through emails, articles, expert forums, local congresses, and hospital meetings. Our patient facing campaigns also reached over 7000 patients in the country.
With one of the highest cancer incidences globally, in 2015 it was estimated that about 1.6-2.2 million people are living with cancer in India. Due to a lack of disease awareness and screening for disease many patients were being diagnosed at a late stage.
We partnered with the Indian employees’ state insurance company and India Railways to improve awareness and disease diagnosis and ensure patients got faster access to care. Launching the “India Fights Back” campaign we increased public awareness through social media campaigns, newspaper articles and radio shows. We improved healthcare professionals’ education through scientific forums, medical symposia and trainings helping to increase diagnosis through patient screening and health check-up camps.
We were able to educate 1500 healthcare professionals and reach more than 1 million individuals through our public awareness campaigns, with over 300 patients screened despite the initiative being launched during the COVID pandemic.