Human rights

By fulfilling our human rights due diligence obligations, we meet our responsibility to society. At the same time, this enables us to remain competitive over the long term.

Respect Human Rights

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany respects human rights and supports compliance with them. We consider it our responsibility to respect the rights of others when conducting our business activities and to prevent, as far as possible, and end adverse effects on human rights in our business activities. In doing so, not only do we uphold legal requirements such as the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG), we also act in line with our own values.

  • Human Rights Commitment

    Our commitment to human rights is not just a requirement, it’s a genuine belief.

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  • German LkSG

    Our Approach on the implementation of the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG)

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  • Human Rights Documents

    Here you will find our Human Rights-related Documents

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If you notice a Human Rights Violation – SPEAK UP!

We want to gain knowledge of risks and violations relating to human rights and environmental aspects at the earliest possible stage in order to take effective preventive and remedial measures and avert possible harm to the persons affected, our employees and society. If you have information about corresponding improprieties with respect to our activities or those of our suppliers, please contact us, for example via our compliance hotline. Additional complaint channels and information about human rights and environmental reports and complaints can be found in our Rules of Procedure.