Get to know our Durazane® Binder

Ever wondered, what a product would tell about itself? Our specialty chemicals for creating protective coatings marketed under the Durazane® brand answered some questions for you!

As a functional solution, what role do you play?

"I’m a new type of specialty polymer and thus an interesting alternative to conventional binders. I can be used to formulate various coating systems to protect against scratches, dirt and corrosion. Plus I’m more than predestined for high-temperature applications."

What is so special about polymers like you?

"Without patting myself on the back: I’m an all-round talent and suitable for a wide range of applications, for instance in the automobile industry. I’m what it takes to make surfaces irresistible. Why? Because I provide long-lasting protection against water, dirt and scratches - both indoors and outdoors. Plus, I make surface cleaning easier and improve shelf life and appearance. Have you ever wondered how exhaust pipes stay shiny for years despite being exposed to extreme heat and corrosion? It's simple: A durable, thin surface coated with me provides the protection needed."

Durazane® Binder applications Durazane® Binder applications

Applications for our Durazane® Binder

More to explore

When do you experience aha moments?

"When an automotive interior that has me as a protective coating feels perfect and the exterior also maintains its high-grade appearance. That’s not something you can take for granted. After all, a new car finish that sparkles in the sun is exposed to lots of harmful environmental factors. I actively help to mitigate their impact."

How will the world of polysilazanes change?

"Around the world, interest is growing in us as a technology and the strong protective effect we offer. We make all kinds of surfaces more visually attractive and more resistant to environmental impacts. Polysilazane-based coatings already have a wide range of applications today. We’re used not only in car coatings, but also to protect building façades and ship hulls, stainless steel sinks and shower basins, as well as artworks in public spaces as well as passenger trains and trams."

Those who work to make materials smarter can expand the functionality of any surface.

Durazane® - Specialty Chemicals