Value proposition

  • Broadest thin film portfolio in the industry, consisted of Organosilanes and Organometallics deposition materials, Spin-on dielectrics
  • Localized Global supply chain enabling robustness and flexibility to support individual partner’s needs
  • Collaborative and innovative R&D approach to solve important technical challenges
  • Innovative container design and preparation

Our films are used in...

Our thin film materials

Our Silicon Precursors are chemistries enabling thin film Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) and Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) of Dielectrics, Low-K, Advanced Patterning Spacers for next gen advanced logic and memory devices.

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Our deposition materials are chemistries enabling thin film Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) and Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) of metals, metals oxides and metal nitrides for next gen advanced logic and memory devices.

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FEOL gap-filling solution with AZ Spinfil® spin-on dielectric technology.

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Container return

Click here to find the container return procedure and form.

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How can we help you? Contact us if you have a tech question, if you are looking for a tech document or need a quote or sample.